なめらかに保湿し、すこやかな身体へと目指すボディ用オイル。ほのかなハーブの香りとオーガニック原料にこだわり、心身を癒しながら軽やかな身体へと導きます。身体の不調の元になる「むくみ」、「こわばり」、「冷え」が気になる方におすすめ。体内で血流や炎症に働きかけるといわれているγ-リノレン酸に着目し開発されたオイルです。γ‐リノレン酸を豊富に含む稀少な発酵オイル ムコールシルシネロイデス油を配合し、ベースオイルとして使用。植物由来の温感成分バニリルブチルが、 γ-リノレン酸の働きをサポートします。
※初めての方は『ルルドビオ ボディオイル(青ボトル)』のご使用をおすすめします。
Concentrated LOURDES BIO.
This body oil will smoothly moisturize and make your skin healthier as use.The superior ingredients will give you a healthier mind and body with peaceful relaxing scents from organic essential oils.Recommended for person who suffers from poor circulation, such as stiffness, coldness, and/or edema.Product is produced with the mucor sirsinelloidoid, which contains gamma-linoletic acid (GLA).GLA is known to support increasing circulation and decrease inflammation.Contains mucor sirsinelloidoid oil that has gamma linoletic acid as base oil.The plant-based vanillyl butyl ether (VBE, provides warm sensation) helps GLA to work effectively.
It contains 3 times more warming agent, VBE (vanillyl butyl ether). * We recommend that you start out with LOURDES BIO BODY OIL (BLUE BOTTLE) when you have never used the LOURDES BIO serious before.
We ask you to check with our agreement at the time of purchase.Please read carefully about the product before the purchase. Thank you for your attention.